Beliefs, Experiences and Scientific Facts about Manifestation and the Law of Attraction
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Re: MANIFESTATION Workshop - Procrastination

Post by Giulia »

Posted by Tony:

How to stop procrastinating | SOLVING THE PROCRASTINATION PUZZLE by Timothy Pychyl | Core Message
Thank you, Tony, for raising this important topic. ✨

Procrastination is a common problem that can have a negative impact on our mental and physical well-being. I would like to post a copy in our Manifestation Workshop thread.

The article you shared provides some helpful insights into why we procrastinate and how we can overcome it. Here is a summary of what I was able to grasp:

Procrastination takes a toll on our mental and physical well-being. It can erode self-esteem, lower life satisfaction, and lead to stress, anxiety, and depression.

There are two main reasons why we procrastinate: the future self forecasting fallacy and the mood enhancement effect.

The future self forecasting fallacy is the tendency to assume that our future selves will be more motivated and capable than our current selves. This can lead us to put off tasks until later, when we may not have the time or energy to complete them.

The mood enhancement effect is the tendency to procrastinate on tasks that we find unpleasant or difficult in order to improve our current mood. This can be a short-term solution, but it can lead to problems in the long run if we never get around to completing the task.

Here are some additional insights from the article:

The urge to avoid a task starts in an area of the brain called the amygdala. The amygdala is responsible for our fight-or-flight response, so when we feel the urge to procrastinate, it's because our brains are perceiving the task as a threat.We can learn to calm down the amygdala and reduce the urge to procrastinate by using the L.E.A.R.N. technique:

- Label: Identify the emotion that is leading to procrastination.
- Exhale: Breathe out slowly and deeply.
- Accept: Accept whatever you are feeling without judgment.
- Release: Release any muscle tension that you are holding.
- Notice: Notice where the urge to procrastinate is coming from in your body.

We can also set anti-procrastination intentions, which are specific "when-then" statements that we make about how we will respond to procrastination triggers. For example, we might say "When I feel the urge to procrastinate on writing my paper, I will take a 5-minute break to walk around and clear my head.”

Finally, we can use the W.O.O.P. method to increase our motivation to complete tasks that we have been putting off. The W.O.O.P. method stands for

- Wish,
- Outcome,
- Obstacle,
- and Plan.

To use the W.O.O.P. method, we first write down what we want to achieve (the Wish). Then, we write down how we will feel when we achieve our Wish (the Outcome). Next, we identify the obstacles that might prevent us from achieving our Wish (the Obstacles). Finally, we write down a plan for how we will overcome these obstacles (the Plan).

Here are some questions that one to mind and that we can ask ourselves to help us overcome procrastination:

- What are the specific tasks that I am procrastinating on?
- What are the reasons why I am procrastinating on these tasks?
- What are the consequences of my procrastination?
- What are some specific strategies that I can use to overcome my procrastination?
- What is my motivation for wanting to overcome my procrastination?

This article appears to provide a comprehensive overview of the causes and consequences of procrastination, as well as some helpful strategies for overcoming it.The L.E.A.R.N. technique is a simple and effective way to calm down the amygdala and reduce the urge to procrastinate.The W.O.O.P. method is a great way to increase our motivation to complete tasks that we have been putting off.

Again, I would like to post a copy in our Manifestation Workshop.

For example, I have noticed that, in my effort to make time for drawing and painting in my early morning hours, I have displayed procrastination attitudes about new habits which I intuitively and consciously felt extremely helpful in order to achieve my goal:

- Journaling for a brief period every morning
- A 30 minute painting session every morning

I have found that the reason for procrastination was in fact a fear of success:

1) What would happen if I actually succeed in my artwork goals without having attended an official Art School? People will think I am a fraud.

2) What would happen if I accidentally start selling my artwork? I might be criticized by other artists for being so bold as to charge a price for my work.

Once I realized that THIS was stopping me, I made a conscious effort to dismiss these thoughts and started pursuing my new path.

Thank you again, Tony, for raising this topic.
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Post by Giulia »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:54 pm OH MY, Giulia, I actually exercise now almost non-stop until I fall asleep.

I am using my simple hand-powered wheelchair as my office chair full time.

Much of my chronic pain disappears when I keep moving my chair using my feet.

I do this almost all the time now, and actually took my chair outdoors just today.
That's terrific, Tony. Congratulation.

I have recently discovered that even a minimum amount of physical movement can activate stuck mental and physical energy, along with activating our HUGE SPIRITUAL ENERGY.

I am now actively working on the LOA at night, and I have planned to continue for a couple of weeks, as I am following a course. After that, I will add a few more sleeping hours at night, and start implementing the LOA properly for the rest of my life.

I find all this very exciting.
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Post by Zen Tzu »

Tony! What have you manifested lately?
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Post by Zen Tzu »

TONY! I was wondering where you were :D Please do not overload those bags as they do tend to get heavy! Good thinking to use the easier to handle 13-gallon ones :D
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Tony! Excellent! Bravo!
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Post by Giulia »

anthonychip wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:31 pm Zen Tzu, I have RE-MANIFESTED my blog, my youtube, and my scheduled interview with Tia Renee:
Congratulations, Tony ✨🤗
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TONY! What more have you manifested this week?
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What have you manifested this month?
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Post by Giulia »

I manifested an out-of-the-body experience and visit to the Other Side on 8 April.

This all started a few days earlier with me reading all day books about what happens when we die, where we go and what we do, based on mediumistic accounts via automatic writing. I kept thinking about the subject all day long and wanted to go and see my husband on the other side.

At a certain point, for a split second and while awake, I was in another dimension, up up up above the physical plane, and saw myself lying on the bed.

The next day, after lunch, I was about to fall asleep and suddenly felt the vibrations: I instantly realized this could become an OBE, I walked through the bedroom wall and went to see my husband. I didn’t only see my husband, but also my little Yorkie I lost in 2018, when she was 20 years old.

A few days later I again felt the vibrations, but this time I was not determined enough and hardly reached the bedroom wall.

Vibrations continued for several days in a row.

This goes to show how simply reading about the subject and immersing my spirit in the Afterlife while awake led to me astral travelling to go there.
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Post by ADMINDiane »

What have you been manifesting lately?
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