FLOW and the infinite waveform

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Re: FLOW and the infinite waveform

Post by Giulia »

Hi, Tony. You asked Bard’s Artificial Intelligence to work on the following assumptions (and provide three different drafts about):
One cannot remember infinity in the same way one remembers one's every day human experience. We have always lived in the infinite waveform, however, we cannot remember being there because experiences in the waveform never pause nor repeat. To 'remember' being the waveform, one only needs to experience FLOW.
Then you asked Bard’s Artificial Intelligence to:

- Give examples and define the FLOW state.
- Speculate about whether we are created or have existed forever within the waveform and why we cannot remember infinity.

As a child up to the age of 5/6, I experienced:

- Being ONE with the surrounding environment, with my loved ones and being blissfully happy all the time.

As an astral traveler, I have experienced once:

- Being ONE with the surrounding environment, a feeling other astral travelers such as William Buhlman report, which can initially trigger fear, because it challenges the assumptions the Ego is based on.

While waking up one morning, I once experienced:

- Being IN TIME AND OUT OF TIME AT THE SAME TIME and freely shifting in between the two perspectives for a while.

I personally have:

- Pre-birth memories of a Golden Age BEFORE this physical life started, when my INDIVIDUAL PERSONALITY AND THAT OF LOVED ONES already existed and we could see the challenges we were going to face on Earth with a sense of ADVENTUROUS JOY/BLISS. I occasionally communicate with these PERFECT aspects of our Individual Personalities in DREAMS and WAKING LIFE. I also remember feeling TRICKED INTO THIS PHYSICAL LIFE when I was born.

I therefore suspect that we, as humans, do not start our INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL EXPERIENCE IN or OUT OF the infinite waveform, but somewhere in-between, where no discarnates are allowed.

I know of at least one NDEr, Mellen Thomas Benedict, who, during his NDE, asked for the experience to PAUSE and it did. William Buhlman has had REPEATED OBEs in which he felt ONE with the surrounding environment and stopped being fearful about the experience.

My conclusion is that, even though Artificial Intelligence is able to brainstorm and speculate on the data you feed it with, it cannot offer the UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE a human being can provide.

AI can offer stimulating assumptions, but that’s all. Since humans have limited experiences to feed AI with, AI will never be able to experience FLOW and the INFINITE WAVEFORM, nor the SPECIAL GOLDEN AGE I mentioned, unless (cynically) I feed Google with my own perspective.

My personal assumption is that we humans have access to IN THE FLOW experiences and PRE-BIRTH MEMORIES to REMIND US that, by accepting to be Co-Creators, we BECOME FOREVER A THREEFOLD VERSION of our Divine Source.

All my bereavement support work is based on this assumption, whereas I notice that the NDE-ONLY FOCUSSED GROUPS tend to conclude that when we die our Personal Identity disappears into UNDISTINGUISHED NOTHINGNESS.

Based on my experience, I feel we are all connected to something larger than ourselves, and that at the same time we have a unique role to play in Creation.

I don’t believe that we are simply here as humans in order to help us grow and evolve spiritually by learning and experiencing more about the challenges of life, but above all to connect with our higher selves and with the divine.

When we die, we can then return with the added bonus of our eternal Personal Identity to an even larger, spiritual reality compared to the one we came from.
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Re: FLOW and the infinite waveform

Post by Giulia »

Sorry, Tony. In my last post I forgot to add the last two paragraphs of my conclusions from my draft:
I don’t believe that we are simply here as humans in order to help us grow and evolve spiritually by learning and experiencing more about the challenges of life, but above all to connect with our higher selves and with the divine.

When we die, we can then return with the added bonus of our eternal Personal Identity to an even larger, spiritual reality compared to the one we came from.
I must add that it wasn’t my choice to have pre-birth memories or OBEs, really. Both experiences were triggered by distressing situations.
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Re: FLOW and the infinite waveform

Post by Giulia »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 9:29 pm Current NEEDS for my personal health:

1. Take ALL 4 of my prescriptions, rather than the two I like :)

2. Eat three complete, healthy meals daily at normal times of day.

3. Schedule regular daily exercise and sleep at normal circadian rhythm.
Hello, Tony 💚

We had no Internet service yesterday and I was unable to reply. I absolutely agree with your priorities and to-do list. If you feel you have the strength to do it, you might copy your health related priorities in the Manifestation Workshop thread, so that we can keep track of you 😉

About doing apparently difficult or fearful things (such as having pre-birth memories) in distressing situations, we have two sayings in Italian:

- Fare di necessità virtù
- La difficoltà aguzza l’ingegno

I found no proper translation for the first one, except maybe "finding the silver lining", but I like this translation for the second one: "Necessity is the mother of invention."
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Re: FLOW and the infinite waveform

Post by Giulia »

My goodness, Tony, this is terrific news!!! 🎊🎉✨
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Re: FLOW and the infinite waveform

Post by Giulia »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 8:43 pm https://astralinfo.org/resources
Find answers to your questions about out-of-body travel (also known as astral projection.) For example - what does it feel like and what you can expect. You can also learn about the benefits that OBEs bring to your everyday life.

Hello, Tony 💚 I used to like William Buhlman when he was researching on his own before he joined the Monroe Institute. He offered helpful and practical explanations and examples which helped with my own research. Since he lectures for the Monroe Institute his approach has become fear-based. It does not tune in with me anymore. I don't know whether he is himself afraid of dying or whether this is simply a marketing approach. These questions for me are mostly TOTALLY IRRELEVANT, for the very reason that I have astral projected around a thousand times.
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Re: FLOW and the infinite waveform

Post by Giulia »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 8:00 am Giulia, WOW !! Do you offer astral projection guidance such as Sherpa Guides who go with you climbing the Himalayas ??

Seriously, I think you are right about the commercialism, over $80 for the Hemi Sync version of his work !!

As long as some of his original research is still online, it should be available, such as on Internet Archives ??

Mellen-Thomas feels much more present and helpful to me as he is in the waveform now as pure awareness !!

And he left his legacy with people like PMH Atwater who was the Sherpa Guide for my ADC with my mother :)

PMH referred me to Nancy Clark whose phone call literally LIFTED me into the LIGHT for my ADC with my mom !!

Hi, Tony. First of all I must apologize for my habit of always pointing out what I don’t like, instead of addressing what I appreciate.

Mellen-Thomas Benedict’s NDE is one of the most powerful I have ever read and filled with inspiring information.

About astral projection, all of William Buhlman’s books are still available, so it is easy to trace back his early work.

I have tried to share some tips for astral projection in Italian and I am currently translating them into English. I have noticed that, now that I do not astral travel as often as I used to, the same exercises can lead me into vivid dreams and transpersonal experiences providing guidance, which is excellent too.
WOW!! Giulia, I agree with whatever I can understand about connecting with our Divine source !!


My posts often are ways for me to try to focus on something other than my constant pain and fatigue.

I usually post something that I JUST NOW found out about !!
I find all your posts extremely interesting, Tony ✨

As I understand it, when our mind is free from a lot of unnecessary information (simpler) it is easier to connect with and even accidentally find the information our Higher Self is trying to address us to.
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Re: FLOW and the infinite waveform

Post by Giulia »

Thank you for posting about the harassing circumstances under which some NDEs are studied by so-called scientists.

I have noticed the same procedure by the Catholic Church about very young seers who under mystical circumstances have stated they could see Jesus, Angels and Mary. The clergy in charge tends to instantly object, threaten and harrass the children forcing them to say that they have lied. How sad!
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