Why do some dead people not communicate with living people they loved

After-Death-Communication, Nearing End of Life Experiences, Death-Bed Visions
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Why do some dead people not communicate with living people they loved

Post by LostPerson »

Hi I was wondering why only some people receive an ADC and not most people. What makes some people special and others not? Any opinions are welcome
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Re: Why do some dead people not communicate with living people they loved

Post by LostPerson »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 3:24 pm Lost, I found at least one scientific research study on ADCs several years ago:

This is the webpage:

A Systematic Review of Research on After-Death Communication (ADC) https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc84284/

'...Research Question 1: How common are experiences of after-death communication, and how does occurrence vary by gender, age, marital status, ethnicity, religious practice, religious affiliation, financial status, physical health, educational level, and grief status?...'

The researchers answers start here: https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67 ... 284/m1/60/

The results continue for many pages !! Here is a quote of the first paragraph:

'...Given the results on prevalence, it appears that approximately 30-35% or roughly a third of people have at least one ADC during the course of their lifetimes. Interestingly enough, the top five studies reporting prevalence were conducted in the U.S. It may be more accurate to say 30-35% of Americans likely will have at least one ADC in their lifetimes; however, given the systematic appraisal of the 35 ADC studies, it seems reasonable to conclude that this estimate could apply to the general population. This estimate could be a guideline for expectation of prevalence with the assumption that it will likely vary according to nationality. It is clear from the data that some differences exist among nations...'
30-35%? Isn't that a bit too much, very few people really seem to have it so..... I'm newer to this topic than nde's so I'm not sure
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Re: Why do some dead people not communicate with living people they loved

Post by Giulia »

Hello, Lost 💚

I will tackle your question from a different point of view, as I have had hundreds of ADCs and published two books on the subject in English. You will find the books in the Books published by Nderf.me Members section.

Basically the major obstacle to ADCs is our own grief, and NOT the willingness or lack of willingness to communicate with one’s loved ones here on earth. We have plenty of evidence that our discarnate loved ones are always by our side, willing to communicate and reassure us that they are fine, free from sickness and any other human ailment and/or earthly communication difficulties. At the bottom of my posts you will also find a YouTube video recorded with my pen name to tackle this topic.

The webmaster of one of the biggest websites about NDEs, Kevin Williams (the site is near-death.com), wrote to me around 2006 stating that, based on his research conclusions, the moment we call out for a deceased loved one, he/she is right by our side.

Hence my desire to teach other people how to ease about the topic and learn to have first-hand ADCs.
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Re: Why do some dead people not communicate with living people they loved

Post by Giulia »

Hello, Lost and Anthony 💚
Anthony: Our human ability to focus is difficult to maintain because we are so limited in our physical form, needing sleep etc.
The point I am trying to make is that, once the roughest period of grief is over, thanks to the fact that WE ARE ALL SPIRIT, all made of the same “raw material” so to speak, as Anthony explained, it is EASY to learn the simple techniques required to have an ADC even during meditation, or else "incubate" an ADC that will come during a dream. It takes patience and short sessions to learn and hold your thought in order to achieve your purpose.

A key role is played by our IMAGINATION. People often discard imagination as something elusive, unreal or unimportant. However, imagination is probably our most powerful tool on this earthly plane. Without our imagination, we would not even be able to walk. It is only because young children see others standing or walking upright and imagine themselves doing it that they can do it. This has been demonstrated through studies of children lost in wild areas and brought up by animals: when they are found, they cannot stand or walk upright, but move like the animals that brought them up.

If we imagine ourselves riding a bicycle, for instance, we will have the confidence and drive to do it. This applies to everything we do in life. We are creative beings, and we create our life in ways of which we are often unaware. With ADCs things work much the same way. If we deem it possible to stay in touch with our loved ones and ‘expect’ it to be normal, there is no reason for this not to happen. According to medium Sanaya Roman, imagination ‘is the closest ability you have to channeling’ and is the easiest connection your discarnate loved ones have to you at first.

I will be posting some meditation sessions that can help, and the full technique I use, which again is very easy.

So, once again, there is no reason why some dead people would not communicate: they live out of linear time and its constraints, they are free from any negative emotions that keep us humans apart, and they are always with us. If we are very keen on having an ADC, patiently waiting for the roughest part of our grief to be over and practicing easy techniques is all we need to reconnect with our discarnate loved ones.
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Re: Why do some dead people not communicate with living people they loved

Post by Zen Tzu »

LostPerson wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:46 pm Hi I was wondering why only some people recieve an ADC and not most people. What makes some people special and others not? Any opinions are welcome
Lost, simply put I have no idea. Perhaps some of us are more open to communications from the Afterlife. Long ago I learned that if a person has even the tiniest bit of fear, the departed will not visit. For me this "gift" has always come quite naturally. I never sought it out, they have simply come to me. On another note I have asked myself why some have not come through immediately. I have learned that at times they just need to "rest" for awhile. Some have come to me immediately but then not returned for a couple of months. This is frustrating however from experience I believe there is something to the "two month mark" as I refer to it - perhaps apart from rest they are learning and acclimating to their new "life". I believe that they also have "jobs" up there :) Remember, it takes an awful lot of energy for them to manifest. It is said that it is easier for us to raise our vibration than for them to lower theirs, and to meet them "halfway". A good example of this would be a vivid dream visitation of which I have had many.
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Re: Why do some dead people not communicate with living people they loved

Post by Zen Tzu »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 10:31 am Here is a very short way that I meditate when I am in need of a quick focus on my spiritual awareness:
Red dot is area of forehead to concentrate attention in step 1. [End quote]

There are many methods indeed. It need not be complicated, simply whatever each individual is most comfortable with. Sometimes trying too hard can backfire. The red dot = The Third Eye.
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Re: Why do some dead people not communicate with living people they loved

Post by Zen Tzu »

Giulia wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 4:14 am

If we imagine ourselves riding a bicycle, for instance, we will have the confidence and drive to do it. This applies to everything we do in life. We are creative beings, and we create our life in ways of which we are often unaware. With ADCs things work much the same way. If we deem it possible to stay in touch with our loved ones and ‘expect’ it to be normal, there is no reason for this not to happen. According to medium Sanaya Roman, imagination ‘is the closest ability you have to channeling’ and is the easiest connection your discarnate loved ones have to you at first.

Giulia I agree, visualization is one of the greatest tools at our disposal :)
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Re: Why do some dead people not communicate with living people they loved

Post by Zen Tzu »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 8:57 pm Zen Tzu, I believe you and I were on the old NDERF forum and I learned so much from you !!
Anthony, yes I do remember "Gravitonring". If I have not done so I would like to welcome you. Nice to have you aboard. I am flattered that you learned from me :) That was quite some time ago.
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Re: Why do some dead people not communicate with living people they loved

Post by LostPerson »

Zen Tzu wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 7:59 pm
LostPerson wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:46 pm Hi I was wondering why only some people recieve an ADC and not most people. What makes some people special and others not? Any opinions are welcome
Lost, simply put I have no idea. Perhaps some of us are more open to communications from the Afterlife. Long ago I learned that if a person has even the tiniest bit of fear, the departed will not visit. For me this "gift" has always come quite naturally. I never sought it out, they have simply come to me. On another note I have asked myself why some have not come through immediately. I have learned that at times they just need to "rest" for awhile. Some have come to me immediately but then not returned for a couple of months. This is frustrating however from experience I believe there is something to the "two month mark" as I refer to it - perhaps apart from rest they are learning and acclimating to their new "life". I believe that they also have "jobs" up there :) Remember, it takes an awful lot of energy for them to manifest. It is said that it is easier for us to raise our vibration than for them to lower theirs, and to meet them "halfway". A good example of this would be a vivid dream visitation of which I have had many.
Hmm, coulld you give an example to communications that happen?
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Re: Why do some dead people not communicate with living people they loved

Post by Giulia »

Hmm, coulld you give an example to communications that happen?
Hello, Lost.

I have been the recipient of hundreds of ADCs and I have posted a few in the ADC forum.

At this time in my life, I am receiving ADCs every night in my dreams. For instance, right now, I am receiving communication from two teachers: my math teacher who died in 2019 and a University Professor who was a dear friend of our family, who died in 2002. The dream usually starts with me calling them on the phone and then the telephone call turning into a full-blown ADC. They both appear to be engaged in teaching, besides providing me with spiritual guidance.

I don't think it is accidental that this is happening, because I have always been curious and open-minded about the subject, and I am now quite sure that people can be taught how to receive ADCs for themselves.

Based on my own experience, I am not sure it is a matter of being too busy to connect or requiring too much power to connect. I am instinctively suspicious about any scarcity-based ideas in connection with the world of discarnate spirits, which is out of linear time and 3D space.

I remember a time in early 1997 when I was grieving the loss of my Italian grandmother (she was also a teacher, by the way) and she visited in a dream shortly after her passing, saying, with her Neapolitan accent "Right! You don't want to dream about me? Then I will visit in your dreams!" (Ah... Tu non mi vuoi sognare? E allora io ti vengo in sogno!") The Italian version with a Neapolitan accent is funnier and shows determination.

I have recently posted tips and suggestions in the ADC forum, along with a few meditation techniques that can be of help, especially if engaged in before going to bed.

Staying away from earthly clutter, such as the news, advertising, gossip, negative talk/thoughts, etc. is also very helpful.

Another resource for me is science fiction featuring examples of our connection with divine consciousness and with each other out of space and time.
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