My First ADC Happening on Request

After-Death-Communication, Nearing End of Life Experiences, Death-Bed Visions
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My First ADC Happening on Request

Post by Giulia »

Last night I was informed by a relative who lives far away of the untimely death of a lifelong friend, and was asked, in case I received a dream from him, to listen to him carefully. I fell asleep soon after and got the dream at around 5 o’clock in the morning.

The dream happened a few hours before the funeral and I was eager to share it with my recipient “before” members of the Church sealed the topic with any official speach.

I would never have been able to get this after-death communication without the practical help coming from my deceased father, whom I initially helped to make practical arrangements with somekind of executive who was in charge of offering him (not necessarily me) a private hearing. This involved taking my glasses off and on, depending on the needs, and making two phone calls on his behalf. The hearing had been arranged because of a tragic event: somebody had died. I was astonished when I realized I was invited to take part in this very private meeting too.

My father and I were introduced into a very important room, which did not bear any special decorations. There was a table with three seats placed inside across the door, with the central seat being occupied by the person in charge of giving the speach/showing a presentation. My father and I sat on both sides and behind us stood some monks dressed in green who apoeared to be in deep meditation.

The key message was that “Physical death happens but life joyfully continues after death, with all the beauty and happiness we can imagine, forever. It is important to understand and follow the principles taught from the various Spiritual Masters who walk the Earth, and once we understand the key message that they are not asking us to fight other people’s ideas or else masochistically seek pain in our physical lives, to follow in their steps, then we can use our physical lives and our personal gifts to make other people’s life more enjoyable and precious. We can then realize, after death, that these Spiritual Masters are actually our Friends and we very much enjoy their company”.

This private hearing reminded me of things I already knew, but had been updated with NEW INFORMATION.

The private hearing was followed by the organization of a huge-huge presentation in a theatre, which had been embellished by the person who had just died and where I was given a seat at the front, for myself and the dream recipient.

At this point I received the details that unquestionably related the dream to the request I had received last night. The person who has just died came across as a creative and gentle person who has succeded in making people’s lives richer and happier even if their tastes diverged from his own.

The theater was huge, and reminded me of an equally huge setting I saw in a dream about my grandmother right after her death. I recognized a number of deceased relatives of ours. As I ran back to fetch the recipient of the dream so that he could take his seat in the audience, I realized this dream was for him.

I personally had the opportunity to think about the various ways people react to the Spiritual Principles they are taught, and how offensive wars and self-inflicted pain are. On the other hand I was shown how wonderful things are when we follow the simple principles envolved in sharing love and friendship. Our just deceased friend was given a main role to play in decorating this huge theater.

The dream ended as my recipient and I reached the front seats that had been kept for us and I got to check that the presentation would be clearly visible from our seats.

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