A Quick ADC

After-Death-Communication, Nearing End of Life Experiences, Death-Bed Visions
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Zen Tzu
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A Quick ADC

Post by Zen Tzu »

By popular demand ;) it is my pleasure to share a quick ADC I had just after my Mother transitioned five years ago:
In this particular dream visitation, I found myself in what looked to be an empty department store. I approached the "fitting rooms" which were outfitted with louver doors. One door was slightly ajar. Suddenly I heard my Mother's voice clearly stating
"I found it *****. Everything is here". I then saw a lock of her beautiful hair through the louver door as it very gently closed itself. This is just one of many of my lifelong experiences.
~Dimmi con chi vai e ti diro`chi sei~
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Re: A Quick ADC

Post by Giulia »

What a fabulous and inspiring after-death communication from your Mother, Zen Tzu. ✨🙏🏻😊

It really sounds a blessing that you got to receive one so soon, in view of the impact that grief can have in blurring our vision when we are overwhelmed by the sudden physical absence of our loved ones.

As the Experiencer, you are the expert about the meaning of this ADC. All I can add is that, throughout my life, department stores, supermarkets equipped with everything and more recently even larger “ipermercati” have always symbolized Heaven for me, and I noticed the same for other Experiencers too.

The fact that your Mother found everything is wonderful and amazing. You also got to see her off into this beautiful place, which some may suggest could be a Shared-Death Experience.

I am quite sure this experience has brought great comfort to you over these five years 💚
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