Seeing Energy

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Seeing Energy

Post by ADMINDiane »

"Meglio soli che malaccompagnati"
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Re: Seeing Energy

Post by learnerjordan »

I had an experience that changed the way I viewed the world for a bit - I didn’t keep it up because it was kind of scary. Anyways, I believe I had an STE, and after that, I could see the karmic exchange of every little thing. bad intentions in situations lead to a karmic slap in the face, “bad karma”. It could be as small or big, such as doing something to hurt someone, or to gain advantage (with bad intentions), it was as if the universe reflected the action onto the person. having good intentions lead to events that meant the universe was on your side in a way; that everything went “right”. by good intentions, i mean going with the flow, helping/loving others when you need to, and just all the messages that NDE experiencers come back with.

It was daunting, because I felt as if a veil was lifted and my intuition was the strongest. I didn’t keep it up, not because I didn’t want to see it, but rather the judgement of others, and knowing that I can’t do anything to stop it. I was also very sensitive to energy at the time - so negativity was eating away at me. I had to close myself off to protect myself. I enjoyed having that strong intuition, but it was hard when my environment didn’t reflect that.
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Re: Seeing Energy

Post by Giulia »

Wow, that's an incredible experience, Jordan! It must have been mind-blowing to see the world through that lens, even if it was a bit scary.

There are many accounts of NDEs (Near-Death Experiences) describing a heightened sense of awareness and connection to everything. It's fascinating that yours manifested as a clear view of karma in action.

Having strong intuition can be a real gift, but it can also be overwhelming, especially if you're picking up on negativity around you. It sounds like you made a tough but necessary decision to protect yourself by closing yourself off a bit.

Have you explored ways to manage your sensitivity? Techniques like meditation or spending time in nature can help ground yourself and create a buffer from negativity.

Maybe you can find a balance? You could try opening yourself up again in small doses, focusing on positive interactions and using your intuition for good.

There's nothing wrong with protecting yourself. You can't control others' actions, but you can control how much you expose yourself to negativity.

Ultimately, it's about finding what works for you. This experience sounds like a powerful awakening, and even if you're not at the same level now, it might be something you can reconnect with in the future.

I would love to hear more about your experience if you're comfortable sharing!
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Re: Seeing Energy

Post by learnerjordan »

Giulia wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:41 am Wow, that's an incredible experience, Jordan! It must have been mind-blowing to see the world through that lens, even if it was a bit scary.

There are many accounts of NDEs (Near-Death Experiences) describing a heightened sense of awareness and connection to everything. It's fascinating that yours manifested as a clear view of karma in action.

Having strong intuition can be a real gift, but it can also be overwhelming, especially if you're picking up on negativity around you. It sounds like you made a tough but necessary decision to protect yourself by closing yourself off a bit.

Have you explored ways to manage your sensitivity? Techniques like meditation or spending time in nature can help ground yourself and create a buffer from negativity.

Maybe you can find a balance? You could try opening yourself up again in small doses, focusing on positive interactions and using your intuition for good.

There's nothing wrong with protecting yourself. You can't control others' actions, but you can control how much you expose yourself to negativity.

Ultimately, it's about finding what works for you. This experience sounds like a powerful awakening, and even if you're not at the same level now, it might be something you can reconnect with in the future.

I would love to hear more about your experience if you're comfortable sharing!
Hey! Thank you so much! I have never connected the dots between my own experience with the NDExperiencers who have that heightened awareness.

Usually my STE’s happen during very happy events. Very happy and joyful events that give me pleasure. I already had an exceptional worldview from a young age. I’m 22 years old by the way, and I consciously started my “spiritual” journey when I was about 13, but I’ve already been thinking about life and death as a child. I’ve always had a strong intuition. If you believe in psychics, my gifts are clairsentients and claircognizant, meaning, I can feel the truth and know things about people without any communication.

As you can see, my thoughts can be very heavy. This is why I think happy events - the events that make me feel love, and want to give love, make me even more sensitive to energy. This time, the STE I spoke of - I just finished my first short film.

The gift of the short film was not only my first role, the gift of an indigenous cast and crew, the lessons taught by others, but by also started my journey towards cultural reconnection. I am Indigenous, Anishiniwe to be exact. This short film gave me the opportunity to reconnect, gave me regalia, and taught me how to smudge. That part is important.

One night, after smudging, I put my abalone shell which held my sage, up in the air as an offering to the universe/god/manitou(great spirit/great mystery). Tears rolled down my face out love and appreciation for living, and the gifts I just mentioned above. In return, I was given a teaching. I guess you can say this is like a “download”, because this thought I had, our popped into my head, was a thought I ALWAYS thought, a thought I pondered a lot. This time was different. This time, it was like I fully realized with my body, my mind and soul: You are the universe experiencing itself.

I don’t want to share the rest of my experience, but that’s the bulk of it. The rest just deal with my own feelings of mortality, and ego coming in to protect itself I believe. Anyways, after this, that’s when i gained that gift of seeing “karmic exchange” for a lack of better words.

If you want to learn more, it was as if everyone was oblivious to the fact that their actions has consequences. each little thing was thrown back at them, reflected to them, like teaching them a lesson. Sometimes I didn’t see it happen but I could “feel” it fester around the person, and sometimes all I could do was laugh at the obvious lesson that they dismissed.

One time, I kind of “convinced” or reminded my friend that good intentions yielded good results, This was just during a match in a video game (by the way, I noticed that karmic exchange is “halted” when we are having fun. fun for all is like a free for all, but once someone gets hurt, serious, or competitive, karmic exchange could possibly get picked up again through bad intentions)

Right now, I cannot improve my environment. I live in reservation, which is filled with negativity. the only way to protect yourself is to isolate yourself. That is more of a societal problem than a problem I can fix - but I know I was sent here to go through these hardships to be able to help more effectively. Right now, I am still building my empathy after a couple years of depression, but I’m getting there:)
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